Webstore Operator :
BGR Central Europe Ltd.
Headquarters / Mailing Address: Budapest 1047, Perényi Zsigmond str. 10.
Phone: 06-70-285-1856
Email: hello@bgr.hu
Tax ID: 32054527-2-41
Hosting Provider :
Address: 1132 Budapest, Victor Hugo u. 18-22.
Tax ID: 14671858-2-41
Phone: +36 70 362 4785
Email: info@rackforest.com
Operator of Our Online Invoicing :
System Name: Billingo
Website: www.billingo.hu
Name of Online Invoicing Service Provider: Octonull Ltd.
Tax ID: 25073364-2-42
Logistics Partner :
Phone: +36 1 802 0265
Email: info@gls-hungary.com
2351 Alsónémedi, GLS Európa utca 2.